Saturday, April 07, 2007

Pelosi's Shame for all Seasons

Has this woman no shame! Has she no love of country! How dare she go about parading around in a garish head cover kowtowing to the likes of the Syrian dictator! The American people did not elect her to be our representative abroad or to speak for us. There's already someone to do that and that is PRESIDENT BUSH. She should be labeled a traitor to our country. What else can you call having tea or whatever they drink in Syria with a dictator and supporter of terrorists.

The Savannah Morning News writes this about Pelosi's little side show. (Could she have done this because she's eyeing a run for the 2012 election?)

"HOUSE SPEAKER Nancy Pelosi did Congress and the country a grave disservice this week by traveling to Damascus and meeting with Syrian President Bashar Assad.

"The Bush administration, and rightly so, has rejected direct talks with Syria. That nation has a long, bloody history of supporting terrorist organizations, including Hamas and Hezbollah.

"Until Mr. Assad renounces these groups and takes steps to cut all ties with them, U.S. diplomats shouldn't step into Syria.

"But Ms. Pelosi apparently couldn't care less about forcing a state sponsor of terrorism to change its ways.

"Instead, this self-appointed foreign minister is taking the "Pelosi Doctrine" on the road. This doctrine calls for undercutting U.S. foreign policy and the Bush administration whenever possible.

"First, she and House Democrats approve legislation that handcuffs U.S. commanders by setting a pullout date for American troops in Iraq. Then she leaves the country and meets with a key ally of ruthless car-bombers, killers and other extremists who use violence to score political points.

"Talk about giving aid and comfort to one of the civilized world's enemies." (Read)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You should look up the Logan Act of 1799