Saturday, May 17, 2008

The Giant Begs for Oil and Sells It's Soul

It's criminal how our politicians degrade our great nation with their corruption but it goes beyond the pale when our President, with hat in extended hand has the gall to appear before a King that rules a land filled with desert and oil and beg them to increase their production of oil for us-not once, but TWICE. Have we fallen so low as a people?

A cardinal rule of presidential diplomacy is never to ask publicly for favors unless you know in advance they will be granted. The same request by Mr. Bush had already been rebuffed by the Saudis during his visit to Riyadh in January. This time around, the Saudi response was particularly blunt and condescending: "If you want more oil, you need to buy it," said Ali al-Naimi, the Saudi oil minister. (WSJ- Beseeching the Saudis)

To pile on the humiliation, this administration is selling the Saudis billions of dollars worth of advanced weapons and we're going to help them build nuclear power plants to cover their energy needs. By the way this will put these Arabs in possession of radioactive fuel rods! (Read and Read ).
The question I'm sure everyone is asking except for the environmentalists, and kow-towing politicians that tremble before these wackos, are:
WHY are we begging for more oil from Arabs?

WHY are we selling weapons to a nation that is frankly NOT our friend?

WHY are we planning to build nuclear power plants for them when WE CAN'T get one built?

WHY would we give them access to radioactive fuel rods?
The answer is we don't know anymore who are the destroyers and who are the life givers in this new world order on planet Earth. When as Americans we reject the principles of our founding, by selling our soul, then this is what we are reduced to: Begging from a people who could not even find their own oil before the Americans arrived early in the last century.
We have oil - let's drill for it and let's build 200 nuclear power plants and get off the dole of Middle Eastern oil before they use it as a weapon against us. (Foto from

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