Saturday, April 30, 2005

Our Security Threat is to the South

The Wall Street Journal (April 29, 2005) has a fascinating article by Mary Anastasia O’Grady called “The ‘Cubanization’ of Latin America”. It seems that John Bolton has for a long time been sounding the alarm bells regarding the Cuban menace to regional stability and US security. But of course how dare this rude outspoken man speak truth which is out of fashion for the politically correct.

O’Grady lays out the facts of the Castro-Chavez connection regarding their goal to expand the communist revolution to other countries in Latin America. Her source is a former Venezuelan military officer who fled his country when he realized what Chavez was doing. Using Venezuelan oil revenues to arm subversive groups they are targeting Bolivia and Ecuador for their nefarious destabilization tactics.

But the cream on the cake that would “break the spine of democracy in the region” is Colombia. By breaking Colombia to their communist will the revolution would go to the international stage which has always been the dream of that gift to mankind – Castro.

It is amazing to me that having this ridiculous and evil man not 60 miles from our shores and knowing the expansionist dreams of this tin pot dictator we have allowed him to carry on as usual for so many decades. And then when another dictator, Chavez, “wins” the elections Bush does nothing! Well, now we can reap the bitter fruit of nonchalance and outright neglect of our neighbors to the south. Why is North Korea more important than what is happening on our doorstep? Granted, we’re spread thin around the world but we must not ignore that huge continent to the south. Let’s treat the pimple before it becomes a boil. And John Bolton may your voice be loud and clear about this nasty pimple.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is truly a scary scenario. The US should be spending more time and money on this nefarious duo than on the useless coca leaf spraying.