Sunday, March 11, 2007

"Never Bother to Examine a Folly; Only Ask What it Accomplishes"

(Ellsworth Toohey in The Fountainhead.)

It occurred to me on this beautiful Sunday that the two greatest evils of our time are both based on irrational ideas layered on a melting foundation of lies, evasions, half-truths. Their ultimate goal being: control and power (which loosely translated means: money).

Environmentalists want to foist a bizarre idea on us that the earth is warming due to man's activities. For the past 40 years they have not been able to convince most regular people that living in an airconditioned house, driving a gas fueled car and pumping oil out of the ground is bad for us. Why? because we can obviously see that it is not true. We all live longer, healthier and wealthier lives because of inventions and discoveries made by smart people.

In the 1970 the scare tactic was that the earth was entering into a "Global Cooling" era. Since the 1990's it's fashionable among our elite to believe in the religion of Global Warming. So in a span of just thirty years, the mainstream consensus shifted from one theory to its complete opposite. But we all know (I hope) that CONSENSUS IS NOT SCIENCE. You need evidence to prove your point. Also, of great interest and very under-reported in our lovely news media is the fact that important weather scientists have spoken out against this theory of the man-made global warming.

A super interesting documentary (see here) on U-tube called THE GREAT GLOBAL WARMING SWINDLE explains everything you ever wanted to know about this movement. It is very well done and understandable to even the most non-scientific of minds. The short of it is that Global Warming is one of the biggest hoaxes ever put over on mankind. I just hope it's not too late to reverse all the damage it has done to world economies.

So what is it that these global warming types want to accomplish? There's a pot of gold out there for anyone who jumps on the bandwagon of global warming. Al Gore (read) and scientists looking to fund their research comes to mind. Yes there are even hypocrits among scientists.

If you truly want to understand what is going on with the less than 1 degree rise in temperature that is affecting our planet then watch "The Great Global Warming Swindle".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ellsworth Toohey in The Fountainhead.