Saturday, March 31, 2007

Politicians Fiddle While Iran Goes Nuclear

Please tell me if we're in some parallel universe where up is down and wrong is right. While our lovely Democrats invent issues with which to bring down our president, Iran is cooly building it's nuclear weapon of MASS DESTRUCTION! Nero fiddling while Rome burned. The total disregard for our 'clear and present danger' is simply astonishing - the hyprocisy, anti-Bush hate mongers and appeasers of the beginning of the second millenia will go down in our history books as the American evolution from a strong-willed people who fought the mighty British army and won to a lame, weak-willed and cowardly populace who refuses to face the dangers of our times.

Thankfully there are some clear-eyed leaders showing how we can deal with Iran, a country which has been a major thorn in the West's side for over twenty years. Thomas G. Mcinerney puts forth his views on how we can take down Iran in the Wall Street Journal article "Iran Escalates"(read).

"The obvious punishment for a defiant Iran could be an air strike that aims to destroy its nuclear development facilities and overt support for Iranians working to overthrow their government. This is where the discussion of taking stringent actions against Iran usually breaks down…

"This is where President Reagan in confronting the Soviets is instructive. The Gipper was elected in 1980 at a time when it appeared inevitable that the Soviet Union would dominate world affairs and just as inevitably that the U.S. was unable to do anything about it short of waging a bloody, military campaign that would have few allies in fighting and not every chance of success. In the end, as they say, Reagan won the Cold War without firing a shot.

"We have similar options now. One of which is to enact drastic economic sanctions that, oddly, would involve forcing a gasoline crisis in Iran. Tehran is kept afloat on oil revenues, but it has done so at the expense of its oil industry. While it exports large quantities of crude oil, Iran imports 40% of its domestically consumed gasoline, and each gallon at the pump is heavily subsidized. Shutting off or even restricting the supply of gasoline flowing into the country would put the regime in a crunch and drive up public discontent without creating a corresponding humanitarian crisis."

The question is what can we do as citizens of the United States to demand the likes of Pelosi and Reid to stop fiddling with sideshows, to try to contain their hatred of our President and to get down to the task at hand and the reason why we have a government - They need to be reminded that their primary mandate is - TO DEFEND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND ITS CITIZENS.

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