Saturday, September 29, 2007

The Big Three Need To Be Confronted

In my view there are three big, enormous issues that are facing Americans today and which will have to be dealt with shortly if we want to survive as a nation that we recognize.

1. The terrorists states that have the end goal of destroying the west have to be dealt with by the use of FORCE and first on the list is IRAN. We have to confront it militarily not with sanctions and meetings. Remember Hitler. And if you don't know your history read up on WWII.

2. The path toward Nationalized Health Care a la Hillary has to be given the definitive blow of death otherwise it will end up a reality of our lives. If you don't know anything about this issue study what's going on in Canada or any other country with a nationalized system of health care.

3. Our system of public schools have to be totally dismantled and a breath of freedom and entrepreneurial spirit injected into this area. Our kids are graduating without even having a sense of what America is all about and what being American means. Our history and the major events of World History is a dark void cave in the minds of our young. And as the saying goes we are doomed to repeat our mistakes if we don't pass on that knowledge.

To learn more about these issues there is no better place to start than at
The Objective Standard.

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