Saturday, September 29, 2007

Play Nicely With Ahmadinejad

It's like when you were little and the school bully made your life miserable. You confided in your mom but she said to try to make friends with him that maybe he was looking for a friend. You found out that what he needed was a good thrashing and after giving him one he never bothered you again. Read below from Robert Tracinski's Intellectualactivist.

"Why is Mahmoud Ahmadinejad so eager to speak at American universities and, it turns out, to host dinner parties for leading American journalists and academics? He knows that what most disarms the West is the illusion that tyrants and dictators are really reasonable fellows, to whom the proper response is dialogue and diplomatic persuasion.

"The Iranian regime particularly needs to convey that impression now, because their whole strategy is to drag out negotiations and diplomacy with the West long enough to give them time to acquire nuclear weapons.

"In short, they know they can have free reign to achieve their goals through force only if we agree to limit ourselves to achieving our goals through persuasion and diplomacy. "

1 comment:

SN said...

When dealing with truly dangerous bullies, remember to stab and twist.

(HT: NoodleFood)