Monday, December 10, 2007

"Human Caused" Global Warming Scam is Falling Apart

Another report showing that global warming IS NOT caused by human activity has been published in the prestigious scientific journal International Journal of Climatology. Their conclusion is that any attempt to control CO2 levels is totally pointless, costly and counterproductive. The question is are we going to continue to be duped by people who are only seeking a way to cash in on the gullible? I think we are smarter than that. You can read the article at then go to the Journal itself and other sources online such as

New Study Explodes Human-Global Warming Story by Philip V. Brennan

"As much of the U.S. is being blasted by vicious ice storms, a blockbuster report published in a prestigious scientific journal insists that the evidence shows that climate warming is both natural and unstoppable and that carbon dioxide (CO2) is not a pollutant"

"Writing in the International Journal of Climatology of the Royal Meteorological Society, professor David H. Douglass (of the University of Rochester), professor John R. Christy (of the University of Alabama), Benjamin D. Pearson and professor S. Fred Singer (of the University of Virginia) report that observed patterns of temperature changes ("fingerprints") over the last 30 years disagree with what greenhouse models predict and can better be explained by natural factors, such as solar variability.

"The conclusion is that climate change is "unstoppable" and cannot be affected or modified by controlling the emission of greenhouse gases, such as CO2, as is proposed in current legislation.

According to Dr. Douglass: “The observed pattern of warming, comparing surface and atmospheric temperature trends, does not show the characteristic fingerprint associated with greenhouse warming. The inescapable conclusion is that the human contribution is not significant and that observed increases in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases make only a negligible contribution to climate warming.” "

" "Our research demonstrates that the ongoing rise of atmospheric CO2 has only a minor influence on climate change. We must conclude, therefore, that attempts to control CO2 emissions are ineffective and pointless — but very costly." "

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