Sunday, December 23, 2007

Our Politicians Have Outgrown Their Own Boots

With the war still going on and perhaps continuing far into the future one must not forget the war we are fighting right here in America - the war against an ever growing bloated government and corruption based on pork spending. A trillion dollars of Washington spending looks like it will be a reality fairly soon and with it will come all the waste of American citizen's hard earned money.

Will we as a people be willing to fight to get back to smaller, more responsible government? Our founding fathers intention was to invent a government that would be responsible for safety of its citizens from foreign aggression and from internal criminals and the courts. They never intended for Alaska to get a bridge to nowhere or for farmers (the wealthiest in the world) to get subsidized by other Americans. Yet that's where we are now with our young starting their working lives encumbered by the Social Security retirees of the present. It is insane. Our politicians have outgrown their own boots. Americans need to really think about the who they will vote for in these elections. We must get America back on track - the track to individual freedom from political Washington shenanigans. Maybe Rudi Giuliani is our best hope.

"With economic uncertainty weighing on the minds of many Americans, Congress is preparing to recess after another year of profligate spending, protectionist talk and promises of higher taxes. No wonder some people feel like we're moving in the wrong direction. But I'm optimistic as I look to the future. It's not our country that's moving in the wrong direction -- it's Congress, and Washington's culture of wasteful spending."

"Over the last decade, nondefense spending has increased by 65% -- the federal government currently spends $24,000 per household -- while the number of earmarked pork projects rocketed from close to 1,000 to a height of nearly 14,000. This year, with only one appropriations bill enacted, earmarks already number 2,161.

"A return to fiscal conservative principles can put America back on the right track, while giving Washington a much-needed dose of discipline.

"Fiscal conservatism is based on two fundamental principles -- cutting taxes and controlling spending. In recent years, the Republican Party has successfully cut taxes, but we have fallen short when it comes to controlling spending. The next president will need to strengthen both sides of the fiscal conservative equation, while reforming the culture of wasteful government spending with transparency and accountability. I believe I can do it because I've done it, and in a place that might even be more difficult than Washington.

"We need to keep taxes low for our economy to grow. It's not just a theory for me. I cut taxes 23 times as mayor of New York City with a Democratic City Council and State Assembly, and saw that lower taxes can result in higher revenue. Amid fears of an economic slowdown, now is the time to cut taxes, not raise them. But the Democratic presidential candidates all seem determined to impose an unprecedented $3 trillion tax hike on the American people.

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