Saturday, November 06, 2010

Obama WANTS to Ruin America-There is No Other Explanation

Obama is about all that is negative. There is nothing positive for our country coming from the Oval Office. And one has to ask himself if this is by design. The answer after 2 years of spending and talking down this great country is a resounding yes. He definitely has an agenda and in many areas he is incompetent. This last one, incompetence was obvious during the gulf oil spill. What a difference to Bobby Jindal and his proactive attention to the oil spill getting people working on the situation and talking to the affected people trying to allay their fears. But we don't have Jindal for President we got Obama and what a disaster it has been so far. So now we have another wave of printing money which is backed by nothing not even the productivity of the American people because there are so many out of work.

This was written back in June of 2010 by Rob Tracinski at TIADaily.
...Everywhere you look, wherever there is a crisis, Obama is not simply doing nothing. He's making things worse. America is about to plunge into unsustainable deficit spending? Obama got us started early with the stimulus package and the health care bill. Big states are being bankrupted by public employee unions? Obama wants to increase the unions' power. Not enough power plants? Obama wants to restrict them further. Iran is seeking nukes? Obama gave them a reprieve against a popular uprising. Karzai doubts America's resolve in Afghanistan? Obama wavers on our strategy and declares our intention to bug out, no matter how much disarray there is in our strategy and command.

There's an old saying: When you fail to plan, you plan to fail. But the pattern of the Obama administration has me wondering if we're seeing the inverse: when you plan to fail, you fail to plan. That is, if American contraction and retreat is your goal, why would you make any plans to revive the economy or win wars?

I think what we're seeing here is something worse than just a failure of leadership by a disengaged president. We have to ask ourselves why he is disengaged. Why, when multiple alarm bells are ringing, is he spending more time on his hobbies than the rest of us? Or more to the point, when existing policies lead to failure, why does he double down and make things worse?

From the beginning, we've been warning that Barack Obama is an anti-American president, that he believes in American decline on principle—that he thinks we're too wealthy, too powerful, and too free and need to be taken down a peg. His policies are achieving that goal.

Americans are learning that Obama is an ineffectual leader by the standard of achieving America's success, prosperity, and security. What they need to learn next is the terrifying truth that these are not his standards.
Everything is still true today. Obama is a dedicated socialist who wants to bring America to her knees. Go to for more from Rob Tracinski.

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