Monday, November 26, 2007

Global Warming has Replaced Communism as a Means of Controlling the Masses

On November 25th I posted a blog entitled "A Life Dedicated to Exposing the Frauds and Educating the Gullible". I wrote: "Ever wondered about faith healers, parapsychologists, psychic surgeons, extrasensory perception and claims to have been abducted by UFO's?" These are all scams of course and James Randi has dedicated his life to routing them out. But these people are small fry all they can do is convince you to part with a small portion of your money.

Have you ever wondered why there are so many leaders and scientists and industries climbing on the global warming bandwagon? It's not only that they want a big chunk of your money via the government and whatever interventionist activities they start but they want to control the individual, they want to control you. Just as communism was the "Biggest Hoaxes" ever perpetrated in the 20th century, causing the deaths of millions of people worldwide so Global Warming is the 21st century version of a Big Hoax.

How many people will be affected world wide as taxes and regulations and prison sentences for not complying is imposed on those who just want to live their lives?

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