Saturday, November 10, 2007

"If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it costs when it's free."

P. J. O'Rourke

More and more people are starting to understand what socialized medicine would mean if Hillary and her ilk get their way. Paul Hsieh has a good article at where he describes what the Canadian health care system really is like and how people are starting to understand that they commited a big mistake by allowing the government to control their healthcare dollars.

"To guarantee "free" health care, a government must force the individual to pay for everyone else's medical care and limit his freedom to pay voluntarily for his own. With bureaucrats deciding who receives what, the individual is therefore forbidden from spending his money according to his own rational judgment (and the advice of his doctors) as to what's best for his health. When a government forces people to act against their own interests, it's no surprise that the results are misery and death."

"Fortunately, Canadians are starting to recognize the problems inherent in "single-payer" health care and are taking very small steps towards limited private medicine. America must not repeat Canada's mistakes." (


Paul Hsieh said...

Sarita: Thanks for linking to my ARI OpEd on health care. BTW, I grew up in Kalamazoo, Michigan. My father was a mathematics professor at Western Michigan University for many years until he retired. My brother and I both attended University of Michigan Medical School. I hope you and your family are enjoying life in Kalamazoo!

Anonymous said...

U.S. healthcare costs are ALREADY more than 2x Canada's (per capita) and that is with millions of uninsured Americans, a great disparity in quality of care available to U.S. citizens and poor life expectancy (compare to other industrialized countries)...maybe you shouldn't dismiss the "evils" of socialized health care (look to European countries like Germany and France as well) as it is working better and costing less than the broken system that America has in place now