Friday, April 04, 2008

My Model is Right, It's the Real World That's Wrong

As the title implies (not my title but don't know who said this) scientists can be non-rational as well as anybody else especially when there is government money to be had. The "Real World" consists of constant fluctuations of temperatures that can last hundreds or even thousands of years. Below I have included just the most recent climates that earth went through. Remember George Washington and his crossing of the Delaware - yup the frozen Delaware River? There is a famous painting of the period depicting the large ice chunks. Doesn't look like fun for our own great General Washington does it?

"The Medieval Warm Period was a time of warm climate in Europe. The warmest part of the Medieval Warm Period was from about 950 until 1100 A.D. The warm climate overlaps with a time of high solar activity called the Medieval Maximum. The Medieval Warm Period occurred before the Little Ice Age, a time of cool climate in Europe and other places around the world. The graph on the left shows a reconstruction of average global temperatures over the past 1000 years with temperatures during the Medieval Warm Period similar to the first part of the 20th Century, cooler temperatures during the Little Ice Age, and dramatic warming in recent decades. The Medieval Warm Period was likely cooler than the past few decades.

According to some archaeologists, the Vikings may have been better able to explore and colonize many areas in Northern Europe while the climate was relatively warm during the Medieval Warm Period because there was less sea ice. They traveled by boats to Greenland among other places through seas that would later become blocked by sea ice during the Little Ice Age.

This natural warming of the planet resulted in growth and wealth. It was when the great cathedrals were built. This period was followed by "The Little Ice Age" which lasted four hundred years.

"For about five hundred years, from 1250 to 1850, most parts of the world experienced colder and harsher climates than usual. This time is called the Little Ice Age. During the Little Ice Age, average global temperatures were 1-1.5 degree Celsius (2-3 degrees Fahrenheit) cooler than they are today. The cooler temperatures were caused by a combination of less solar activity and large volcanic eruptions. Cooling caused glaciers to advance and stunted tree growth. Livestock died, harvests failed, and humans suffered from famine and disease." (Read).

Here are some cool websites for further investigation to arm yourself with facts to fight the biggest attempt at controlling mankind since Communism.

Global Warming Doomsday Called off

For fun go to Song about our Universe

To see how Gore totally misconstrues climate science go to:

Snowjob on Al Gore
To see the documentary The Great Global Warming Swindle: also here
Go here if you can't connect above.

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