Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Newspeak - "We Must DO Something"

I guess we have to learn a new language for words now have the meaning that any mealy mouthed politician wants to give it. The purpose of obfuscating the meaning of words is so that the annointed can control you. Refuse to play their game and call things what they are!

The most dangerous words you'll ever hear a politician say is: "We must do something" because it's real meaning is they want to take over the economy and dictate to you and control your actions and thoughts. But here are more Newspeak terms that you must learn if you want to follow the circus going on in the American and European governments.

War on terror is now called Overseas Contingency Operations
Terrorism is now Man Made Disasters (this is my favorite)
Child abandonment is now Remote Parenting
Appeasement of dangerous enemies is now New dialogue
Socialism is now 2nd stimulus (my second favorite-now politicians can rob us and call it a stimulus)
Enemy Combatants are now Displaced Freedom Fighters (Muslim killers and rapists are now the equivalent of our Founding Fathers.
Campaigning, winning and cashing in on a bad economy = Obama testifying how he has "Inheriting Bush’s bad policies"
Tax Cheat = An Obama appointee not being made aware of the problem by an accountant
Impeached and disbarred is now an Elder Statesman
Bank Robber is now a Stimulation recipient-(government stealing money from one group to give it to another.)
Fascist takeover of private business is now called New Fairness Doctrine -Government dictating and running a company via their cronies and sycophants.
Fascist takeover of redistricting is now the White House census office - which now means the President gets to redraw districts so that your party wins elections and the President can be President for life (remember the census office has always been totally separate from the White House and was made so intentionally by our Founding Fathers)
War (under liberal’s watch) is now a situation - which means you have to invite the enemy over for tea.
War (under Republican watch) = unwinnable disaster - which means you fight with one hand tied behind your back.
Higher Taxes = Fair Share - which means no amount of taxation of the populace is too much when the politicians can figure out a way to do it without you realizing that they are robbing you blind.
Fundamentally strong economy (please define party affiliation first) but essentially means gobbledygook as they find new ways to tax the hell out of you and scare businesses away.
Blaming America First is now called Global View - It's nice to have a fall guy to blame for a countries own descent into socialism, fascism and religious primitivism as in Afganistan/Pakistan/Iran etc. etc.

Victory = What's that? (No such word) (Also go to here). There are no moral vs immoral countries.

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