Thursday, April 30, 2009

Where Are The Republicans? Nowhere.

While the article below was written in 2005 it is very timely today. One needs to ask the question: WHERE ARE THE REPUBLICANS? Sadly, nowhere...America has only the left today and that means the discredited ideology of socialism - the takeover of the economy by the government and perhaps the disappearance of individualism, and American can do spirit. Read John Lewis' great analysis of the right and understand how a man like Obama was able to become President of the noblest country in history.

The evidence of the past two decades is unimpeachable: the political right in America no longer stands for individual rights, limited government and capitalism. The "rightists" now advocate expanding the welfare state, increasing government intrusion into our intimate private affairs, and sacrificing American lives to foreign paupers. They call it "advancing the cause of freedom."

This is not what the right once stood for. Fifty years ago one could recognize serious problems in their positions, but also that by and large they favored individual liberty, opposed the growth of government beyond necessity, and advocated a strong military defense. In contrast, the left wanted socialism, the welfare state, and, following Vietnam, military humility.

Historically, and in broad terms, the right often tried to uphold the virtues of productiveness, independence, self-reliance, and American self-interest. They opposed the New Deal and the Great Society, as well as foreign wars that were not in America's interests, as assaults on freedom. It was Democrats such as Wilson, Roosevelt, Truman and Johnson who brought America into such wars, and who institutionalized massive redistribution of wealth at home. The right co-opted many statist measures of the left—such as anti-trust—but they generally saw America's proper condition as peaceful production and free enterprise.

When the socialist assault began, the right became the opposition, facing a tide of motivated leftists who claimed that science and history were on their side. But what arguments, and what moral principles, did those on the right have for their own programs? Only vague statements of American ideals and virtues, held as floating ideas rather than with secure understanding. Consequently, "normalcy" in the 1920's was accompanied by huge increases in foreign aid, and ever larger infringements on domestic, especially economic, affairs.

They called on "Rugged Individualism" as an ideal—but could not say why this was morally right. They said "the business of America is business," but had no answer when told this was rule by robber barons. They proclaimed that "what is good for GM is good for America," but could not defend GM's profits. They spoke up for "capitalism" but wilted when told that it did not make everyone equal. They often maintained that America should pursue its own interests, but could not say why those interests did not include American soldiers dying for foreigners overseas...(READ at Capitalism Magazine).

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