Thursday, October 02, 2008

Money Keeps America's Ideals on the Front Lines

Victor Davis Hanson at reminds that us that when America falters economically our enemies are emboldened. These are trying times and unfortunately we have no good candidate to elect in November. McCain is just too scatter brained and inconsistent and knows precious little about how the economy works. Ugh - can I push the McCain button in November? The alternative of a socialist Obama leading our military and influencing the economy makes me nauseous. So I guess the answer is...ugh.

Ancient thinkers from Thucydides to Cicero insisted that money was the real source of military power and national influence. We've been reminded of that classical wisdom these last three weeks.

In a manner not seen since the Great Depression, Wall Street went into panic mode from too many bad debts...

Even though the U.S. government rushed to restore trust, hundreds of billions of dollars in paper assets simply vanished. Friends and enemies abroad were unsure whether the irregular American heartbeat was a major coronary or a mere cardiac murmur. How strong really was the world's greatest economy? Was this panic the tab for years of borrowing abroad for out-of-control consumer spending? Had America finally gone too far enriching dictators by buying energy that it either could not or would not produce itself? Had the chickens of lavishing rewards on Wall Street and Washington speculators rather than Main Street producers finally come home to roost? Allies trust that the United States is the ultimate guarantor of free communication and commerce - and they want immediate reassurance that their old America will still be there. In contrast, opportunistic predators - such as rogue oil-rich regimes - suddenly sniff new openings...(READ)

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