Saturday, October 18, 2008

A Life that Mocks Barack Obama and the Old Idea of "Spreading the Wealth"

Communist adage: Communism won't work until everyone is a communist.
Democratic adage: Nothing will work until we have all your money.

A true American spirit is Herman Cain NOT Obama. Both are successful black men but arrived at totally opposite philosophies regarding America.

I heard the most inspiring speech the other day filled with pure Americana. Forgive me but I am going to paraphrase since I have been unsuccessful in finding Herman Cain's talk. This man is a columnist and radio talk show host now but made his fortune in a variety of endeavors. The following is a paraphrase of his talk about his father, which maybe Obama with his "spreading the wealth" philosophy should listen to and learn from.

'Barack Obama's "prosperity is fair and change we need" message for the cool aid drinkers in Washington...THERE IS NO DEPARTMENT OF HAPPINESS IN WASHINGTON D.C. The Founding Fathers meant that prosperity is the PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS not the guarantee.'

'Someone who was not confused about the pursuit of happiness was my father Luther Cain. He walked off the dirt farm he was working on with the clothes on his back. All he had was sweat equity. He had his dreams. One of his dreams was to own his own home for his family. He grew up in a shack with Mom and Dad and ten kids. My father did buy his house. He was not confused about prosperity. He achieved prosperity the old fashioned way - he worked for it. It works. Dad had another dream as part of his journey and that was to be able to be worth in assets one million dollars. Not because he wanted a car or a boat. He wanted a million dollars because he believed in the American dream. In 1982 his net worth was $982,000. Dad got there.'

'The Liberals want to take it away with the Death tax'....(read more about Herman Cain).

If McCain could only dig deep within himself and give a big speech tapping into the fundamental and unique spirit of Americans: Independence, self-directed, proud and hard-working then he would have a chance at awakening the deep felt and hidden American character. So far he has not been up to the task and with Obama promising "to spread the wealth" via communism we are truly at a crossroads as far as a major departure from the vision of our Founding Fathers if this man wins the Presidency. I guess the lessons of the communists and socialists of the 19th and 20th century are lost on a poorly educated populace. Truly a terrible shame and tragedy confronts us.

One thing for sure under an Obama regime: the only thing he and his fellow majority democrats will spread is poverty, misery and the decline of a great nation. Maybe we'll have to learn the lesson again. A government controlled economy can only result in bad things for its citizens. Until we courageously stand up and repudiate the old, trashed ideas of communism, socialism, and fascism there will be no end of wanna be dictators wanting to rule how you live. Limited government as set forth in our constitution is what we most need now - NOT more government!

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