Sunday, February 01, 2009

Global Warming - a Joke of a Theory

Well, people are starting to get sick and tired of listening about the Global Warming scam and are in fact more preoccupied with real issues such as the mess our economy is in. More and more articles are out there attesting to the fact that the "Goracle" is blowing out a lot of CO2 and that maybe it's time for him to shut up. The following article is in "Dakota Voice".

According to CNS News, it came in dead last in a list of 20 concerns proposed to the American people in a recent survey:

Americans are concerned about the economy first of all, and they are tired of the “hype” about global warming, Patrick Michaels, a leading climate change expert, told
In a national telephone survey (conducted Jan. 7-11), 1,500 adults were asked to prioritize the issues they thought the government should tackle in 2009.

Among the 20 policy issues people were asked to rate, global warming ranked last. The economy and jobs took first and second places, respectively. Deficit reduction and tax cuts also beat global warming, coming in ninth and 15th on the priority list.

The share of Americans saying that strengthening the nation’s economy should be a top priority has risen from 68 percent two years ago to 75 percent last year, to 85 percent today.
Only 41 percent rated global warming as one of their top priorities, down from 56 percent last year...

..seems people are starting to see through this joke-of-a-theory for what it really is, especially when the economy isn’t doing so well and we can no longer afford to indulge these socialist fantasies.

This idea that human activity is causing catastrophic changes in earth’s temperature didn’t pass the smell-test from Day One, and the more evidence has come in, the more the whole proposition looks like a sham.

From the unreliable weather data, to the historic natural climate variations going back thousands of years, to the warming occurring on on Mars and Jupiter, to the thousands of scientists who miraculously escaped Al Gore’s claimed “consensus,” this dog just don’t hunt.

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